As leading EN10025-2 S355J2 steel plates supplier and exporter in China, BBN steel not only has regular production schedule for EN10025-2 S355J2 steel plates, but also has aboundant EN10025-2 S355J2 steel plates stock products that will be ready for delivery within 10 days.
Below we list some main EN10025-2 S355J2 steel plates stock products specdifications for your reference:
EN10025-2 S355J2 steel plates 6-10*1500-4020*6000-18800
S355J2 structure steel plates 20-40*1500-4020*6000-18800
S355J2 low alloy steel plates 50*1500-4020*6000-18800
S355J2 hot rolled steel plates 60-80*1500-4020*6000-18800
EN S355J2 steel plates 90*1500-4020*6000-18800
EN10025-2 S355J2 steel plates have wide application. For example, freight cars, transmission towers, dump trucks, cranes, trailers, bull dozers, excavators, railway wagons, highway bridges, building structures, oil and gas platforms, offshore structures, lifting equipments, port equipments and so on. If you need EN10025-2 S355J2 steel plates, welcome to contact BBN steel for EN10025-2 S355J2 steel plates stock products or future products.