Hot rolled steel boiler plate P355NL2 mechanical properties

Hot rolled steel boiler plate P355NL2 mechanical properties

Hot rolled steel boiler plate P355NL2 is one of steel grade in EN10028-3, which is non alloy and alloy steels with specified elevated temperature properties for pressure vessels. Based on P355NL2 mechanical properties, boiler plate P355NL2 is mainly used for manufacturing boilers, pressure vessels and pipes transporting hot liquids.

Hot rolled steel boiler plate P355NL2 mechanical properties:

Thickness(mm) Yield strength (≥Mpa) Tensile strength (Mpa) Elongation in ≥,%
T≤16 355 490-630 22
16<T≤40 345
40<T≤60 335
60<T≤100 315 470-610 21
100<T≤150 305 460-600
150<T 295 450-590

Hot rolled steel boiler plate P355NL2 impact test:

  Type Usual
Impact Energy KV min[J] at temperature [°C]
Longitudinal Longitudinal
-50 -40 -20 0 +20 -50 -40 -20 0 +20
P355NL2 N 5-150 30 40 65 90 100 27 30 40 60 70

BBN steel is hot rolled steel boiler plate P355NL2 supplier and exporter. For any information about P355NL2 steel, such as P355NL2 chemical composition, P355NL2 mechanical properties, P355NL1 VS P355NL2, P355NL2 data sheet, P355NL2 impact test, P355NL2 steel price, P355NL2 equivalent ASTM material and so on questions, please feel free to consult BBN steel for professional answers.