High yield structural steel S690QL mechanical properties

High yield structural steel S690QL mechanical properties

The high yield structural steel S690QL is manufactured in compliance with EN10025 -6. The structural steel S690QL is heat treated with quenching and tempering process. Steel S690QL has good welding and bending properties. And high yield structural steel S690QL promotes leaner designed structures with better payload capacity and energy efficiency.

High yield structural steel S690QL mechanical properties:

Steel Grade Steel Number Min. Yield Strength Reh MPa Tensile Strength Rm MPa Min. % elongation after fracture
Nominal thickness (mm) Nominal thickness (mm)
≥3 ≤50 ≥50 ≤100 ≥100 ≤150 ≥3 ≤50 ≥50 ≤100 ≥100 ≤150
S690QL 1.8928 690 650 630 770/940 760/930 710/900 14

BBN steel is world class structural steel supplier. For any information about high yield structural steel S690QL, such as structural steel S690QL chemical composition, steel S690QL mechanical properties, structural steel S690QL specification, steel S690QL data sheet, high yield structural steel S690QL price, please feel free to consult BBN steel.