High strength A588 steel VS A36 mild steel

High strength A588 steel VS A36 mild steel

High strength A588 steel VS A36 mild steel is a frequently asked question. However, they are quite different actually. According to chemical composition, A588 steel is low alloy steel, while A36 steel is mild steel or know as carbon steel. According to mechanical property, A588 steel is high strength steel, while A36 steel is only general strength steel.

So both the alloy elements comtent and strength of high strength A588 steel is higher than that of A36 mild steel. Of course, A588 steel price is much higher than A36 mild steel.

The atmospheric corrosion resistance of high strength A588 steel is substantially better than that of A36 mild steel. When properly designed and exposed to the atmosphere, high strength A588 steel is suitable for many applications in the unpainted condition. Obviously, A36 mild steel can not meet such demands.

BBN steel is professional raw steel materials supplier. For any information about high strength A588 steel and A36 mild steel, such as high strength A588 steel VS A36 mild steel in chemical composition, A588 steel VS A36 steel in mechanical property, high strength A588 steel and A36 mild steel specification, A588 steel and A36 steel data sheet, A588 steel and A36 steel price, please feel free to consult BBN steel.