The ASTM A283C steel plate included international steel market in October was generally weak. At the end of the month, the global steel benchmark price index at 122.6 points, fell by 1.5% month-on-month (the decline expanded), rising by 5.7% month-on-year and 18.7% year-on-year.
Among them: ASTM A283C steel plate and so on flat steel index 113.3 points, month-to-month decline of 2% (increase in decline); long steel index 133.8 points, month-to-month decline of 1% (convergence); Asian index 126.2 points, month-to-month decline of 1.6% (increase in decline). China's index in Asia was 129.9 points, with a monthly decline of 1.6% (the decline widened); the Americas index was 142.5 points, with a monthly decline of 0.1% (from flat to flat); and the European index was 103.1%, with a monthly decline of 2.3% (the decline widened).
According to the operation situation and the basic situation, the international ASTM A283C steel plate included steel market in November may continue the shake adjustment trend.