GB/T1591 Q345B steel is classified according to the yield strength. Q345B steel is also manganese steel in terms of composition alone. The old grade of Q345B steel is 16Mn.
GB/T1591 Q345B steel mechanical properties:
Yield strength of GB/T1591 Q345B steel
The yield strength or yield point of GB/T1591 Q345B steel is defined as the stress at which Q345B steel begins to deform plastically. Prior to the yield point Q345B steel will deform elastically and will return to its original shape when the applied stress is removed. The min. yield strength of GB/T1591 Q345B steel is 345MPa.
Tensile strength of GB/T1591 Q345B steel:
The tensile strength of GB/T1591 Q345B steel is the maximum amount of tensile stress that it can take before failure, for example breaking. The tensile strength of GB/T1591 Q345B steel is rated at 470 to 660 Mpa.
GB/T1591 Q345B steel mechanical properties enable the Q345B steel to be used in low and medium pressure vessels, oil tanks, vehicles, cranes, mining machinery, power stations, bridges and other structures.