GBT Q235 steel contains 4 steel grades, Q235A steel, Q235B steel, Q235C steel, Q235D steel. The Q235 steel differs in chemical composition but they have same strength.
GBT Q235 steel mechanical properties:
Steel Grade | Quality | Yield Strength (≥ N/mm2) | Tensile Strength (N/mm2) | Elongation (≥%) | Impact Test (V notch) | ||||||||||
Thickness T mm | Thickness or Dia. T mm | Temp. ℃ | Absorbed Energy (Vertical, ≥J) | ||||||||||||
T ≤16 | 16 < T ≤40 | 40 < T ≤60 | 60 < T ≤100 | 100 < T ≤150 | 150 < T ≤200 | T ≤40 | 40 < T ≤60 | 60 < T ≤100 | 100 < T ≤150 | 150 < T ≤200 | |||||
Q235 | Q235A | 235 | 225 | 215 | 205 | 195 | 185 | 370 – 500 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 22 | 21 | – | – |
Q235B | 20 | 27 | |||||||||||||
Q235C | 0 | ||||||||||||||
Q235D | -20 |
GBT Q235 steel is named after the Min. yield strength of 235Mpa. The yield strength of Q235 steel decreases with the increase of material thickness. Due to moderate carbon content, better comprehensive properties, better combination of strength, plasticity and welding properties, GBT Q235 steel is widely used in architecture and engineering structures.