The price of EN10028-2 P235GH tank iron sheet in China market is running smoothly today. The price of 6*2000*8000mm EN10028-2 P235GH tank iron sheet is 776.92 usd/ton, which is stable; the price of 12*2000*8000mm EN10028-2 P235GH tank iron sheet is 704.62 usd/ton, which maintains yesterday's price; and the price of 20*2000*8000mm P235GH tank sheet is 696.92 usd/ton, same as yesterday.
EN10028-2 P235GH tank iron sheet prices in China market on July 5:
Product | Specification (mm) | Price (usd/ton) |
EN10028-2 P235GH tank iron sheet | 6*2000*8000 | 776.92 |
EN10028-2 P235GH tank iron sheet | 8*2000*8000 | 735.38 |
EN10028-2 P235GH tank iron sheet | 10*2000*8000 | 720.00 |
EN10028-2 P235GH tank iron sheet | 12*2000*8000 | 704.62 |
EN10028-2 P235GH tank iron sheet | 14-18*2000*8000 | 696.92 |
P235GH tank sheet | 20*2000*8000 | 696.92 |
P235GH tank sheet | 25*2000*8000 | 696.92 |
EN10028-2 P235GH tank iron sheet prices are stable today, steel mill’s prices are stable, market prices are stable and overall turnover is poor.
It is expected that in the short term, the price of EN10028-2 P235GH tank iron sheet in China will be weak or the oscillation will be weak.