EN10025 S355J0 VS S355J2 steel is consulted by a lot of clients. Therefore, BBN steel would like to make a comparison between the two materials for you.
First, from the number 355 in the steel grades we can know EN10025 S355J0 and S355J2 steel have same strength and have much in common in chemical performance. Let us check step by step.
EN10025 S355J0 VS S355J2 steel in chemical composition:
Grade | C | Si | Mn | P | S | Cu | N |
S355J2 | 0.24 max | 0.60 max | 1.70 max | 0.035 max | 0.035 max | 0.60 max | 0.014 max |
S355J0 | 0.24 max | 0.60 max | 1.70 max | 0.040 max | 0.040 max | 0.60 max | 0.014 max |
EN10025 S355J0 VS S355J2 steel in mechanical properties:
Grade | Yield strength ReH/(N/mm2) (t≤16mm) min | Tensile strength Rm/(N/mm2) (3mm≤t≤16mm) | Elongation A/%(3mm≤t≤40mm) min | Charpy V test | |
Temperature/℃ | Impact energy (Longitudinal)/J min | ||||
S355J2 | 355 | 450-680 | 22 | -20 | 27 |
S355J0 | 355 | 450-680 | 22 | 0 | 27 |
EN10025 S355J0 VS S355J2 steel, J0 indicates EN10025 S355J0 steel needs to do 0℃ impact test. J2 indicates EN10025 S355J2 steel needs to do -20℃ impact test. The different impact temperature is the main difference between S355J0 steel and EN10025 S355J2 steel. EN10025 S355J2 steel can better adapt to low temperature work condition than S355J0 steel.