EN 10028 2 P355GH boiler steel plate vessel steel

EN 10028 2 P355GH boiler steel plate vessel steel

EN 10028 2 P355GH boiler steel plate is a kind of steel material for boiler making and pressure vessel fabrication. EN 10028 2 P355GH boiler steel plate is characterised by minimum yield strength of 355 MPa for plates no more than 16mm thick and good weldability.

EN 10028 2 P355GH boiler steel plate is mainly used for manufacturing boilers, pressure vessels and pipes transporting hot liquids.

EN 10028 2 P355GH boiler steel plate chemical composition:

Grade C. % Mn. % S. max N max Cu max Nb max Ti. max Si. max P. max AL. max Cr. max Mo. max Ni. max Vi max
P355GH 0.10-0.22 1.10-1.70 0.015 0.012 0.30 0.020 0.03 0.60 0.025 0.020 0.30 0.08 0.30 0.02

EN 10028 2 P355GH boiler steel plate mechanical properties:

Grade  Type Thickness mm Yield strength Mpa(min) Tensile Strength MPa Elongation % (min) Impact Energy (KVJ) (min)
-20° +20
 P355GH  Normalized ≤16 355 510-650 20 27 34 40
16>to≤40 345 510-650 20 27 34 40
40>to≤60 335 460-580 20 27 34 40
60>to≤100 315 490-630 20 27 34 40
100>to≤150 295 480-630 20 27 34 40
150>to≤250 280 470-630 20 27 34 40

BBN steel has been engaged in boiler steel for more than 18 years. For any information about EN 10028 2 P355GH boiler steel plate, such as EN 10028 2 P355GH boiler steel plate chemical composition, EN 10028 2 P355GH boiler steel plate mechanical property, EN 10028 2 P355GH boiler steel plate specification, EN 10028 2 P355GH boiler steel plate data sheet, EN 10028 2 P355GH boiler steel plate price, please feel free to consult BBN steel.