EN 10025 S355JR steel is high strength low alloy European standard structural steel within the EN10025-2 standard. With minimum yield strength of 50,000 KSI, EN 10025 S355JR steel meets requirements in chemistry and physical properties similar to ASTM A572.
EN 10025 S355JR steel mechanical properties:
Grade | Thickness (mm) | Min Yield (Mpa) | Tensile (Mpa) | Elongation (%) | Min Impact Energy | |
S355JR | 8mm-100mm | 315Mpa-355Mpa | 450-630Mpa | 18-20% | 20 | 27J |
101mm-200mm | 285-295Mpa | 450-600Mpa | 18% | 20 | 27J | |
201mm-400mm | 275Mpa | - | 17% | 20 | 27J | |
The min impact energy is longitudinal energy |
EN 10025 S355JR steel is used in almost every facet of structural fabrication. Based on high yield and tensile strength, EN 10025 S355JR steel is supplied with a variety of treatments and test options to ensure that EN 10025 S355JR steel is a highly usable steel in various projects. An average impact energy value of 27 Joules must be achieved on full size specimens in the longitudinal direction in all applicable cases.