DIN ST52 3 steel is low alloy high strength structural steel that usually supplied in normalized or control-rolled condition. With low carbon equivalent, DIN ST52 3 steel possesses good cold-forming properties. Machinability of DIN ST52 3 steel is similar to that of mild steel.
DIN ST52 3 steel mechanical properties:
DIN ST52 3 steel yield strength: Min
Nominal thickness (mm) | to 16 | 16 - 40 | 40 - 63 | 63 - 80 | 80 - 100 | 100 - 150 | 150 - 200 |
Yield strength | 355 MPa | 345 MPa | 335 MPa | 325 MPa | 315 MPa |
DIN ST52 3 steel tensile strength:
Nominal thickness | to 3 mm | 3 - 100 mm |
Tensile strength | 510-680 MPa | 490-630 MPa |
DIN ST52 3 steel elongation (Min):
Nominal thickness (mm) | ≥0.5 <1 | ≥1<1.5 | ≥1.5<2 | ≥2﹤2.5 | ≥2.5<3 | ≥3<40 | ≥40﹤63 | ≥63﹤100 |
Elongation Lo = 5,65 √ So (%) Longitudinal | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 22 | 21 | 20 |
DIN ST52 3 steel impact test temperature and energy:
Temperature | -20 | -10 | 0 | 20 |
Notch impact test. Min. absorbed energy J | 27 | 27 |
DIN ST52 3 steel has many applications. Generally DIN ST52 3 steel is used for general building and all kinds of engineering machinery such as drilling rigs, mining trucks, excavators, loaders, bridges and most structural activities.BBN steel supply DIN ST52 3 steel in various shapes, such as ST52 3 steel pipe, ST52 3 steel plate, ST52 3 steel cutting pieces, ST52 3 profile steel, ST52 3 steel structures, etc. Welcome to contact BBN steel for purchase and consult about any question of DIN ST52 3 steel.