Carbon steel API 5L X52 PSL2 mechanical properties

Carbon steel API 5L X52 PSL2 mechanical properties

API 5L X52 PSL2 steel is carbon steel, and it is made up of 0.16% Carbon, 0.45% Silicon, 1.65% Manganese, 0.02% Phosphorus, 0.01% Sulphur, 0.07% Vanadium, 0.05% Niobium, 0.04% Titanium and so on chemical elements. Meanwhile, API 5L X52 PSL2 mechanical properties are superior.

Carbon steel API 5L X52 PSL2 mechanical properties:

API 5L PSL2 Grade Yield Strength Tensile Strength a Ratio a,c
Rt0.5 MPa (psi) Rm MPa (psi) Rt0.5/Rm
min. max. min. max. max.
API 5L X52 PSL2 L360N or X52N 360 (52,200) 530 (76,900) 460 (66,700) 760 (110,200) 0.93
L360Q or X52Q 360 (52,200) 530 (76,900) 460 (66,700) 760 (110,200) 0.93
L360M or X52M 360 (52,200) 530 (76,900) 460 (66,700) 760 (110,200) 0.93

For API 5L X52 PSL2 mechanical properties, carbon steel API 5L X52 PSL2 has high tensile strength. The minimum yield strength of API 5L X52 PSL2 steel is 52 KSI. And the minimum elongation at fracture of the carbon steel API 5L X52 PSL2 is about 21%.