API 5L X42 VS X52 PSL2 steel mechanical properties

API 5L X42 VS X52 PSL2 steel mechanical properties

API 5L X42 VS X52 PSL2 steel, API 5L X42 PSL2 steel and API 5L X52 PSL2 steel are different on manufacturing processes, heat treatment, chemical composition, mechanical properties, test requirements, traceability etc. Now we mainly discuss API 5L X42 VS X52 PSL2 steel mechanical properties.

API 5L X42 VS X52 PSL2 steel mechanical properties:

API 5L PSL2 Grade Yield Strength Tensile Strength a Ratio a,c
Rt0.5 MPa (psi) Rm MPa (psi) Rt0.5/Rm
min. max. min. max. max.
API 5L X42 PSL2 L290R or X42R 290 (42,100) 495 (71,800) 415 (60,200) 655 (95,000) 0.93
L290N or X42N 290 (42,100) 495 (71,800) 415 (60,200) 655 (95,000) 0.93
L290Q or X42Q 290 (42,100) 495 (71,800) 415 (60,200) 655 (95,000) 0.93
L290M or X42M 290 (42,100) 495 (71,800) 415 (60,200) 655 (95,000) 0.93
API 5L X52 PSL2 L360N or X52N 360 (52,200) 530 (76,900) 460 (66,700) 760 (110,200) 0.93
L360Q or X52Q 360 (52,200) 530 (76,900) 460 (66,700) 760 (110,200) 0.93
L360M or X52M 360 (52,200) 530 (76,900) 460 (66,700) 760 (110,200) 0.93

From API 5L X42 VS X52 PSL2 steel mechanical properties, it is easy to understandard that API 5L X52 PSL2 steel is higher grade level than API 5L X42 PSL2 steel, and the former has much higher strength level than the latter. For more information about API 5L X42 VS X52 PSL2 steel, welcome to consult freely.