Because the ingot has bubbles, non-metallic inclusions or ingot wrinkles, or plate cutting edge not completely removed the original residual shrinkage of the ingot head. Delamination is easily born in the rolling process, and become a congenital defect of steel plate.
Some ASTM A285C vessel steel boiler plates are laminated and sealed inside, and some are extended to the surface and become an open defect.
The delamination of ASTM A285C vessel steel boiler plate will cause a lot of damage.
1. The existence of ASTM A285C steel plate delamination decreases the effective thickness, especially the bending resistance of SA285GC vessel steel boiler plate.
2.The edge of ASTM A285C vessel steel boiler plate has sharp shape, which is very sensitive to force. It causes stress concentration. Especially under the action of alternating load, the stress concentration area will cause alternating stress and cause stress fatigue.
In hydrogen medium, delamination defects are the basic factors leading to the dangerous defects of ASTM A285C vessel steel boiler plates.