The cost Comparison between A36 steel plate and 1080 steel plate

The cost Comparison between A36 steel plate and 1080 steel plate

Because cold drawing steel is more labor intensive and time intensive, the price of hot rolled products is significantly less than cold drawn. For products that do not require higher quality finishes and high strength and machinability characteristics, A36 steel plate makes a lot more sense than 1018  steel plate simply for the reduced cost alone.

The mechanical and chemical properties of 1018 steel plate, the machinability, and the surface finish of 1018 steel are all superior to A36 Steel plate. However, the big advantage of A36 steel plate is the overall cost. When deciding between the two steels, take into consideration the end application and the quantity that you will need.

Surface Finish
A36 steel plate and 1080 steel plate is one of our main steel plate. BBNsteel have rich experience in A36 steel plate and 1080 steel plate.please contact us if you are looking for A36 steel plate and 1080 steel plate supplier.